

Company profile


Office environment

Development history

honor certificate



In January 2015, it was founded in Shenzhen, the capital of innovation, under the name of "Shenzhen Zhikang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd." and its headquarters moved to Longyan City in November 2019, renamed as "Longyan Zhikang Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.";
the company believes that solar thermal power generation with low-cost energy storage and 24-hour power generation is an important way of energy supply in the future;
the company believes that with huge costs The tower type photothermal power plant with reduced space is the mainstream in the future;
the company believes that the concentrating system, which accounts for more than 50% of the total investment of the power plant, is the main battlefield for future innovation, and only when the cost of photothermal power generation drops significantly, can there be a huge development space!
Through four years of continuous efforts, more than 50 patents have been applied (31 patents have been authorized, including 5 invention patents), and demonstration project bases have been built in Shenzhen, Beijing, Gansu, Longyan and other places;
the company's original solutions are significantly superior to those in Europe and the United States, and have been favored by domestic energy giants; planned joint investment amount Ten billion, with 2-3 years to build a number of internationally leading solar thermal demonstration power stations in China.
Zhikang technology vision: main provider of new energy high-end equipment;
Zhikang technology mission: original high-end spotlight robot, let spotlight, heat storage and power generation get online at a low price.

Message from the Chairman


The chairman address the chairman, address the chairman to address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman, address the chairman and address the chairman of the chairman.


Office environment



  • 2023 11
  • 2022 1
  • 2021 3
  • 2019 10
  • 2017 12
  • 2017 11
  • 2017 11
  • 2017 11
  • 2017 11
  • 2017 3
  • 2016 12
  • 2015 12
  • 2015 1
  • 2014 6



honor certificate

Support frame for reflector of tower type photothermal power station (patent for invention)

Support frame for reflector of tower type photothermal power station (patent for invention)

An electric push rod device (patent for invention)

An electric push rod device (patent for invention)

A heliostat off axis control method and control device for heliostat far axis (invention)

A heliostat off axis control method and control device for heliostat far axis (invention)

Automatic reduction of clearance bearing (patent for invention)

Automatic reduction of clearance bearing (patent for invention)

Automatic reduction of clearance joint (patent for invention)

Automatic reduction of clearance joint (patent for invention)

Environmental Management System Certification (English)

Environmental Management System Certification (English)

Environmental Management System Certification

Environmental Management System Certification

Certificate of quality management system certification (English)

Certificate of quality management system certification (English)

Certificate of quality management system certification

Certificate of quality management system certification

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